Are you worried about your partner hiding assets during divorce? Contact divorce attorney Brian A Grady to ensure your finances are protected.

If you and your partner are planning on divorcing, chances are things are pretty contentious. It is likely that there has been such a breakdown in the relationship, that you may not be able to trust your partner to play fair. Attorney Brian A Grady can help you make sure your partner isn’t hiding assets during divorce. 

It is possible that your partner is extremely upset and may want to hurt you. They may attempt to do so by hiding assets during divorce. This is both an immoral and illegal choice (and there could be more severe consequences if the deception is discovered), but some people try to do it anyway. Here are some things you can do to begin protecting yourself.

Attorney Brian A Grady recommends that you start documenting your valuables if you’re worried about your partner hiding assets during divorce

As soon as you know that divorce is on the horizon it is important to start documenting all the marital assets. This is one way to protect yourself so if things start disappearing later, you will have time-stamped evidence of what you had and where it was. 

  • Make sure you have the date and time function turned on/set up on the camera you will use.
  • Leave things where they typically are and take photos
    • Make sure you zoom in for smaller items like jewelry 
    • For collections, take pictures of the whole collection as well as close ups of all individual items.
  • Don’t forget to photograph large items like cars, boats, and antiques
  • Sentimental items, that may not have a large monetary value, should be documented as well
  • If there are items in other locations, like the vacation home or safety deposit box, take the time to go and document those valuables

Having documentation of the items that you’ve acquired throughout your marriage may seem like a grueling or even vindictive process. Whatever your initial feelings are about this, you need to remember that you need to protect yourself and your family and this is one way that can be done.

Proper documentation of assets will help protect you and your financial future

Attorney Brian A Grady | DuPage County IL | Kane County IL
Attorney Brian A Grady | DuPage County IL | Kane County IL
Attorney Brian A Grady | DuPage County IL | Kane County IL

Gathering all your records and financial documentation is another way you can ensure you will be protected during divorce

During divorce asset division can be tricky. It will make the process shorter and less painful if you have already prepared all the records that will be needed. Make sure you have digital files or paper copies of all important documents. Below is a list of some of the documentation you may need:

  • Bank statements and other financial records
  • Credit card statements
  • Loan applications
  • Pay stubs
  • Pension Plan Documents
  • Profit and loss statements for businesses
  • Real estate appraisals
  • Real estate deeds
  • Registrations for vehicles
  • Retirement Account Statements
  • Tax assessments
  • Three years’ worth of tax returns
  • Trust documents
  • Wills

There is a process during divorce called discovery, where the attorneys will request all of this documentation. It is important though, that you understand your financial situation going into the process. Attorney Brian A Grady has the financial acumen to analyze your finances and determine how you can best protect yourself. 

If you’re worried about your partner hiding assets during divorce, attorney Brian A Grady will help protect your family, your finances, and your future

In situations where there is animosity between you and your partner, so much so that you’re worried that they might try to harm you financially, you need an attorney with experience. Attorney Brian A Grady has a financial background, which he uses to make sure all his clients get the best possible financial outcome when they divorce. You do not have to do this alone and hiring a professional that can provide sound financial and legal advice will put you in the best position possible during your divorce proceedings. 

Attorney Brian A Grady | Brian A Grady Divorce Attorney | Brian A Grady Divorce Lawyer | Roselle IL